Magdalena Fossum


First and Last Name

Magdalena Fossum




Paediatric Urology

Expertise keywords

Tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, reconstructive urology, cell cultures, micro-molecular studies, in vitro, in vivo animal studies, clinical follow-up studies



Laboratories of Tissue Engineering

Dept. of Health Sciences, Copenhagen University, Rigshospitalet Children’s hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dept. of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden



Current project title #1

Tissue engineering

Current project description #1

In vitro and in vivo studies for urogenital reconstructive surgery.

In vitro cell cultures and biomaterial studies.

Mainly working on conduits and bladder augmentation studies.

Current project title #2

Bladder wound healing studies

Current project description #2

Mophological and functional studies in in vivo animal models and in in vitro experiments to understand normal bladder wound healing and healing in diseased bladders.

Current project title #3

Clinical follow-up studies

Current project description #3

Prospective data collection in national Swedish multicenter studies based on clinical report forms related to different urological malformations.


A) Willing to provide the following

Expertise, Patients, Animal models

B) Need assistance with

Expertise, Patients, Animal biological samples

Other collaboration I need assistance for

Covid 19 study

Detail of what I'm looking for

#Participation in Covid-19 pandemic situation. Including data on waiting time for intervention and questionnaires to Health Care providers.

#Project for multicentric proximal hypospadias studies that could be performed in collaboration with the European network for rare urogenital conditions eUROGEN.